Wednesday, October 13, 2010

His Name is... -Progress Drawing-

The Sketch Version
The sketch to your right is the original piece. However, I really don't like it at all. So I edited it on Photoshop CS5 to make it a little neater.

I scanned this then I opened up Photoshop and I started to work with it.

I use a WACOM tablet (it belongs to my sister, but I used it as well) since it's much easier than the mouse. If you're using a mouse, I recommend to use the pen tool. It's really easy than doing it freestyle (using the brush tool).

So I go over the lines. It took me about 20 mins. to do this.

Here's the line art of it. See the difference?

Sketch with the Line art over it

After that, I started to color it.

I used a lot of layers. It's really helpful =3

Final Product:
Finished Drawing
Hope you enjoyed it =3

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