When Did I Start Drawing?

Sonic Heads
I started drawing when I was about 10 yrs. old, though I started to draw successfully when I was 15 yrs. old.

I'm a terrible artist I swear to my own flesh and blood. I even say it to myself. The only thing I can draw is a head, mostly Sonic heads. I always neglected myself (I've always neglected myself ever since my little sister said I can't draw well) and I feel like I want to commit suicide right now.

As months go by, I still draw Sonic heads regardless, no matter how many times my sister said that I'm just a writer, not an artist. Not much improvement going on. I'm still neglected.

I always beg my sister to draw me something. She would agree or disagree. If she agrees with my ideas, she would draw them; if she doesn't, either I beg or just leave her be.

I always have a lot of ideas in my head, and I have quite a formidable time for just writing it out.

Yes, before drawing, I write. Writing is just my favorite past time. I write a few stories. Some are a little out of place, some are about random things, most are about Sonic (Yes, I am a Sonic Nerd back then).

Then when I came to America with my family, it was still the same really.

Throughout the 2 years before having the guts, I just watch her doing her art on the computer.

By February 2010, I asked my sister to make me draw my Sonic Fan Character, Nina the Wolf (Yes, I named her after me). Then she wanted me to do a rough sketch and I did. I showed it to her and then she does her business. After she was done, I looked at her art. That wasn't the one I pictured in my head. So I said it's ok and then I leave her be.

I head back to our room (my sister and I share the same bedroom) and I looked at my picture of Nina. I thought long and hard... We think differently... and just telling her that's not right, she would get cranky and then we would start to argue. What if... I know how to draw somehow... we would stop the bickering and have the peace.

So I got out of the room and I came to her. I sat down and she looked at me. Then I said to her, "Guia (Gee-aa) teach me how to draw."

She was pretty shocked about that and then she says that art is hard, but I responded, "Writing is much harder than art!" We still have a little debate until she finally gives up.

So with a few techniques and tips given by my sister, I've started to improve a little... maybe.

First "successful" drawing
Months later, my art is getting better and better with each piece (as my online friends used to tell me).

That's about it.

Hopefully, on one won't ask... ^^;