Thursday, November 18, 2010

Ruuku Triton

Luke "Ruuku" Triton
Uhm... well... this is Luke's real future-self and well... I really have to explain to you guys a bit more about him.

He is still the Luke you know and love in general, but he's very skilled and was taught by the best of the best.

He is the guardian of the seven Time Emeralds (yes Trinity and I are aware of that, don't even tell us nor flame us) and wields a rapier dubbed the Dimension Blade. It was crafted by Remi and Klaus for his 17th birthday.

He is was chosen at a very young age for his great responsibility and all. He was taught by the emeralds in know how to travel back in time and teleport... but he needs a blade to function since he cannot harness the powers just yet.

I'll elaborate later ^^;

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