Tuesday, March 22, 2011

School Sketches o3o

I was playing on my game too much during my mandatory test |D

But now I'm back to drawing now C:

The Kids =3

Random ones o3o

So yeah |D

More will come soon =3
But that's a promise that'll slowly be uninteresting -3-

Thursday, March 10, 2011

School Sketches

Some sketches I did in school o3o

I need to update my art blog more xDD

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lando Ascode Attempt

Lando Ascode
(Official Art Work)
Even though I've posted this on dA and Hatena, I'm doing it again because I'm Legal that way >D *shot shot shot*

*clears throat*
Ahem... >_>;

Feb. 28, 2011, somewhere 'round the evening.

I was talking to my online sister Maya (NajikaSun) via YM (Yahoo! Messenger). She told me that she's gonna make a spin off from my Luck-A Dance because it's awesome that way xD I was really happy that she's gonna do it C: Then she wanted me to guess who's she's drawing. She hinted me that it's the first time drawing this character.

After a few guesses, Lando was the correct answer. I was so like 8DDDD because Lando is my fave character so far in the 2nd Trilogy, Descole coming up second and Jenis being third.

To those who don't know this guy (and just to avert spoilers), he's a new character introduced in Professor Layton and the Masked of Miracles (as the roughly translated game titled so far o3o). He is Layton's high school friend who aspired him to be an archeologist.
One thing's for sure... I don't know if his surname is "Ascode" or "Ascad." Though since "Ascode" was the first thing I saw, I'll just stick to "Ascode" then |D

Now back to the discussion.

I said to cyber sis that I so wanted to draw him. Then she replied do it. I was like "Noo...." but she was like "Yeesssss!!!!" After a while, I accepted this request |D

I grabbed an official art work from IGN.com and started drawing it on Photoshop. I'm too lazy to draw in paper. I'm more of a Digital Artist |D

Here is the result so far:
A Quick Sketch of Lando

My god... it's so ugleh * A *
So I posted my WIP in dA so she could see it.

After that I keep on going.
And then... it is done 8'D
Lando Ascode
(Rough Sketch)
Oh my god... it looks so beautiful ;w;
My first time drawing Lando... was a success *tears of joy*
Doesn't it look like the official thing though? 8D

Then on Feb. 29 and Mar. 1, I went ahead and decide to do lineart and colour it in.
I did the lineart by mouse and using the pen tool whereas I did the colour by tablet.
Lando Ascode
(My Version)
 Pfft... I've already fell in love with him before Maya xD;
God... I have so many character crushes xDDDD

So yeah =3
Now, I have to practice in doing PSG style now and practice on my PL style as well.

See ya~


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another Batch of Sketches xD

'Cause I'm awesome that way xDD

.... Pfft..!! I'm suppose to do my homework DD< *Brooklyn Rage*
But oh well |D; I'm too lazy to do it -3-