So... I wanted to keep my blog filled with my art.
So I be posting some of my dA art here in blog too |D (with personal comments xD)
Why? I'm just nice that way~ <333
Young Luke without his hat |
Isn't Luke adorable without his hat~? 83
Jenis Quatlane |
My 2nd attempt in drawing Jenis. She's my second favourite PL character, the first one is Claire Folly =3
"A rose for my sweet Serenity." |
I still can't get enough of these two <333
Evilness >D |
This is from a fan-fic, you have to read this if you want to know. It's called "The Adventures of Layton and Luke." It has 6 seasons I believe... Dunno o3o
Charles Lucas "Charlie" F. London |
I drew him too much because he's just adorable~ <3
I love my little Charlie so much :3
Klaus Dove |
FFFF, he still has a lot of bloody names |D
But I don't care anyway <33
Derick palmface plz 8D |
I have to draw my OC's often ;w;
Flora's new dress |
I really don't like it at all and I don't know why I created it in the first place o3o;;
KlausxMutt - Magnet |
I love ruining their dignities xDDD
Digitalized Sketchies 83 |
Mido~ you should know this xDDD *shot shot shot*
Chase Dove Serenity |
I really love him so much <3
Though Brett is still my favourite (well duh, he's like his father xDD *shot*)
Fireflies Everywhere |
I still find this so weird I swear T__T
Emmy Altava wearing Christmas dress |
To tell you the truth... Emmy looks so weird |D
Hmm... maybe it's the face ^^;
Santa Klaus <3 |
Kudos to anyone who gets the joke xDDD
The Sexy Angel |
I still haven't given a name for her yet |D;
That's what I'll post for now lol
I be posting tomorrow maybe o3o